
Buongiorno, my fellow travelers!

Let me tell you about my recent trip to Italy, where I spent nine glorious days exploring the ancient ruins of Rome, marveling at the art and architecture, and soaking up the sun on a quiet beach in Salerno.

Let’s talk about Rome! I stayed in the heart of the city, and from the moment I arrived, I was blown away by the history and beauty that surrounded me. It was a bit nerve-wracking to navigate the crazy traffic, but I soon got used to it and enjoyed the adventure! If you plan to visit, just be prepared for crazy traffic and a few close calls while crossing the road!

My first stop was the Colosseum, one of the most iconic landmarks in Rome. It's hard to believe that this massive amphitheater was built almost 2,000 years ago, and it's still standing strong today.

I saw so many incredible sights, ate some delicious food, and made memories to cherish forever. I did all the touristy thinks of course walked the Spanish steps, tossed my coin in the Trevi Fountain, ate my weight in gelato and pasta, and stopped at all the shops. My next stop was Florence where I spent hours taking in the panoramic views at the overlook. Florence is such a charming city, with its narrow streets and beautiful architecture.


 As much as I loved Rome, I was craving a little bit of peace and quiet, so I hopped on a train to Salerno, a small coastal town that was less touristy than Rome or Florence. I spent the day lounging on the beach, soaking up the sun and enjoying the quiet beauty of the town. It was the perfect way to recharge my batteries before heading back to the hustle and bustle of Rome.

As much as I loved Rome, I was craving a little bit of peace and quiet, so I hopped on a train to Salerno, a small coastal town that was less touristy than Rome or Florence. I spent the day lounging on the beach, soaking up the sun and enjoying the quiet beauty of the town. It was the perfect way to recharge my batteries before heading back to the hustle and bustle of Rome.


Until the next Adventure!

Enjoy the gallery a select few will be available in prints soon!


Benefits of Solo Travel